Charm-ing Your Way to Change!


The power of words to change our life experiences and opportunites is not to be under-estimated! Merely reciting half-believed affirmations will never open doors for us in the way we desire unfortunately. However, we need to be creative and a little bit sneaky with the Unconscious when we are trying to manifest a heart’s desire by conjuring up words more playfully…almost under the radar before we have a chance to negate them with self-doubt.

Two new practices have come to my attention in the past week from a couple of very busy professional women who are also very dedicated wives and mothers. Both are in high-paying jobs, with many responsibilities and who are just plain tired out and longing for more meaning in their lives, but uncertain how to find the right opportunities for sufficient income and work that is more personally satisfying.

One woman who I will call Sally, proudly showed me her simple wire bracelet with two little charms that she had chosen for it. These bracelets are quite popular now, but not just for teens. Altho this woman used to be a “manifester” when she was a child, she is not actively involved in the study of the Law Attraction. But when she saw this bracelet and found these two words in the selection tray, she KNEW that she had to wear them daily as reminders for what is calling out insistently for change in her life:  “BALANCE” and “LISTEN”. 

She knows that her exhaustion is because the fast pace of work/home/personal expression is un-balanced and out of whack. BALANCE on her charm bracelet gets looked at daily, reminding her to take steps to right what is lop-sided. The other charm “LISTEN” is the reminder to value and pay attention to what she knows is true for her health and vitality..little promptings from the Soul, dreams, intuitions and synchronistic “messages” that are calling her to manifest change and claim authenticity.

The second woman is in a similar situation but for her, she knows she is trading time for a paycheck in a job that she does not like and is not using skills and education she prepared for.  Again, she knows she is not fulfilled, but doesn’t exactly know what it is she wants to do instead or where to find it. A friend of hers suggested a brilliant idea that helped HER to change jobs. How many times do you have to use a password for something? Several times a day if you are working online most likely. CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD(s) to something like: “I love my new job 500”   or  “Money and Soulful work are mine 100”.

These two new ways of sneaking your affirmations into your Unconscious are quite playful and mischievous. Charm-ing your way and using your new Password to get into your new life is fun!

From Christine, Manifestress


Please visit my other blogs!

The Power of POSITIVE !

Word Magic and the Law of Attraction

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Every day when we wake up, we often have no idea what will be unfolding for us event-wise. Oh sure, we may have a schedule or “plans”, but we actually don’t know what will happen and how it will turn out as we enter what was written down in the day planner book. Life…and the people we interact with…have ways of surprising us with  unexpected reactions or turn of events.

Maybe we have something we are looking forward to, or something we are having to face that we’d rather not, or something remembered that gives us a warm glow, or the anticipatory sense of hours to unfold as we go along, open to whatever surprises occur in the story line of our life. But what we are encouraged to experience is how starting out CHOOSING to enter our day in a positive energetic state of mind and state of being will make all the difference is our EXPERIENCE…

View original post 288 more words

Boomerang! Back Atcha: Word Hazards


photo credit: unknown

Words are powerful tools, loaded with energy that sends vibrations out from the speaker into the world and into the hearts and minds of those with whom we interact. With our words, we cast a spell for good or for ill, making connections that inform or bless, uplifting ourselves and others, or that condemn and judge, bringing harm and hurt to both the speaker and the receiver.

It is important to remember that in the Law of Attraction what we focus on and consistently speak about INCREASES as the thoughts and words we  habitually harbor and use surround us like a net capturing more of the same. It is important to remember also that HOW we respond to situations and people in our lives sets the tone for what we ultimately experience as our personal reality in the end.

Life in many ways is a mirror, and what we project energetically is reflected back to us in a variety of situations and responses that give us pause as to what we are getting back from others. What is at play is the “Boomerang Effect”…. getting back almost exactly what we sent out in thought (and even more powerfully in word),  with the accompanying underlying energy, or vibe.

I was giving a lecture at a nearby University on “Your Words Create Your (Experience) of Life” with 7 practices for puttting yourself into a positive frame of mind before speaking and how to become mindful of the way you speak, and the words and phrases that you habitually use to express your general world view and personal stories.

The feedback from this lecture was wonderful…people were excited to pay attention to how they speak and think, becoming conscious of how their life, situations and relationships actually unfold as a result of how they talk. They were also excited to know that they could change the pattern of both thought and words that did not serve them.

One woman came up to me at a later session at said with great enthusiasm..” These practices changed my life! I copied a couple of them and taped them to the dashboard of my car to remember to do them, and so many things in my life have shifted for the better by using words of a more positive attitude.”

The same day however, another woman came up to me after the session, looking somewhat terse and baffled and said to me…” You know, I also believe in ‘speaking my truth” to others…I  can’t be any other way but to tell them what I truly think”.  

I must admit that my sense of her energy and vibes that accompanied her words right then was tense, argumentative and angry.

I asked her this question:  “So actually…when you feel strongly that you need to “speak your truth” to others, what kind of reaction do you usually receive back from them in return?”

She answered quickly…”Well, they get all huffy and start accusing me or getting angry with me..”

I asked ” Do you LIKE that response from them? How does their response make you feel? Do you ultimately get what you want from the exchange?”

She assured me that indeed it did not feel good at all, and she did not like what came back at her one wit, tho it never occurred to her that what she was receiving was exactly what she had put out in the first place.. The Boomerang Effect.

The suggestion was made to start becoming more aware of how she spoke, the words she used and to experiment with watching these kind of exchanges more mindfully, assessing whether or not the the result of the Boomerang Effect with her words and thoughts were helping or harming herself or the others…

This is not “new-age” theology, but practical and sound psychology, interpersonal wisdom, and good social and communication skills. What we send out in thought, word and deed has an almost magical power to manifest in actual experiences and situations for us to deal with.

It pays to remember that the words and attitudes we “send out”  indeed will return to us through the Boomerang Effect and to choose them well so that they may be manifestation Helpers and not manifestation Hazards!

From Christine, The Manifestress

self oct 3 (3)  There are more informative writings on my other blogs! Please visit!

Inspiration, and thoughtful ponderings:

FOOD and foodie memoirs:

For love of music:

Focus-Pocus: Manifestation Magic





There are a multitude of colors and hues in the Universe. There are endless shapes and textures. There are infinite ways to live a life or to respond to whatever circumstances present and unfold for us. It all in the soup, it’s all happening at once and it’s all possibility.

A multitude (“Abundance”. Remember that word? ) of possibilities that are available to us to move through any and all life situations does exist, but also in this life things can only manifest for us through our power of Choice. And we are choosing and not choosing all day long! But are we manifesting the life experiences that we want or are we frustrated with life experiences that we don’t want in the outer situations that present themselves to us.

Possibilities ARE always there. And there are two main ways that we may fail to choose the ones that may be in our best interest. One is that we go into overwhelm at the  sheer magnitude of possibilities and freeze in confusion, and drift because we just don’t know which way to go…overwhelm.  A second way is that the sheer magnitude of choices sends us out into the arena of life in a splay pattern of energy dashing through the collage of possible opportunities and experiences with no clear direction. The Drifter and the Dabbler.

In order to MANIFEST the best of ourselves, the best experiences of each day, the realtionships we would like to have, the place we would like to live, the car we would like to drive, the music we would like to make, the material objects we would like around us for comfort and pleasure, we must CHOOSE in our minds what they may be. And then……..


It is NOT enough ever to just know what it is we do not want…( what we complain, kvetch, lament, whine, rage about),  We must know, after making that “don’t want” list, what it is we DO want. And then…….


Focus means we put our attention, our thoughts, our research and study on what it is we consciously CHOOSE for ourselves. THAT is what we think about. THAT is what we LOOK FOR around us. THAT is where we give our energy. And THAT is what we TALK about, using WORDS and PHRASES and SENTENCES that speak about the things we are loving, cherishing, hoping and wishing for. FOCUS is about CHOOSING a clear vision out of the infinite soup of colors, shapes and textures that surround us in the material world and in the invisible world. Honing in to a central picture, a central purpose, a centered channel between what we see in our hearts and minds, and what eventually comes into manifest form or experience.

And remember… Using the  proper words that define your purpose or desire clearly are the Magic of Manifestation. It is told that Mother Theresa once said “You will never find me at an “anti-war”rally. But you will always find me at a “PEACE” rally!” That’s called choosing and FOCUS.

There are many practices in the art of manifestation and allowing. The Arts of Conscious Creation. This is one of MANY parts of this process.

What are YOU focusing on?

This  young fellow knows what to do!



From Christine, Manifestress

redAfter you focus on reading this essay…you might like to focus elsewhere on one of my other helpful blogs!

If you are hungry, focus on food!

If you need inspiration and beauty, focus on

If you love music focus on the Piano Mistress!


*** Please respect my ownership of the photographs identified as such on this blog. This material and photos are being organized into book form. Thank you for your integrity.



“Abundance” in Nature- A Good Place to Start!

Nov 8 2013  4

                                               How Many Leaves in This Pile?


I have been teaching/lecturing on the Law of Attraction/Art of Allowing for a number of years. Words and how we interpret and use them are extremely important in how we perceive, name, and describe our experiences. But there is another concept to ponder along with the the power of words to create our EXPERIENCE of “reality”,  or that which appear to be happening for us. That concept is FOCUS as in what it is we are giving our attention to and the words we are using to name it.

Take the word “ABUNDANCE”.  Often in popular culture and easy manifestation books, thoughts (and feelings) go to MONEY because the word abundance has come to suggest plenty of it and perceived freedom from worry about not having enough. But you are sitting there at the kitchen table, three months after filing for bankruptcy with a pile of bills ( though not as many anymore…), no credit card and your car needs new brakes.

The books say…AFFIRMATIONS!!!!

“I am totally abundant. All my needs are easily met, with plenty of resources left over to have FUN!”

It’s written and taped on the bathroom mirror and the dashboard of your car…which you can’t drive until the brakes get fixed.  Abundant? Yeah, RIGHT. You are smack-dab into the heart of poverty consciousness, fear and lack.

The affirmation feels untrue and at the moment it IS untrue when you look at your checkbook. You do not feel abundant personally at this moment of vulnerability and frankly…that affirmation feels annoying if not downright irritating.

I have found that we need to take basic steps first to change our fear based experience of momentary lack by thinking of the word “Abundance” from another perspective that proves it actually is TRUE altho we are not experiencing it personally in the way we feel we need to at that moment. We need to FOCUS on where things are abundant right before our eyes and perceive its existence, its reality outside of ourselves in NATURE, coming to understand that it is then a possibility for us as well.

LOOK for ABUNDANCE right outside your door. Go take a walk in the woods in autumn as the leaves fall…hundreds and thousands of them along with acorns…better still, pick up a rake and spend an afternoon raking up the leaves in your yard, grumbling about how many there are …and the job seems endless. Stop and think about how ABUNDANT are the leaves and acorns and play a mental (and emotional) game  and imagine trying to count them and what that number might end up being. Play with the idea that each leaf if a dollar bill…or better yet…a ten-dollar bill or a one-hundred dollar bill as you rake them into a pile from every direction in your yarden.  Think of ABUNDANCE in regard to the bounty of leaves. Take a walk by the ocean…start to collect a cloth bag full of white stones…sure fills up fast, doesn’t it and there are too many to haul home.. Such an Abundance of white stones… pondering the number of grains of sand scooped up in your hand could blow your mind, not to mention how many grains of sand on the stretch of beach.

For fun…look at the pile of JUNK MAIL on the corner of the kitchen table…WHERE does it all come from?….how do we get rid of it?…is it abundant to the max, albeit annoying as well.

When suffering a challenge to our personal economy and finances..if the word Abundance at any one moment seems to be a tease in our situation, try taking that WORD “ABUNDANCE” and see what is around you that IS abundant so that the word proves true because you are looking right at it.

Then let it sink in and start to feel that it could be/will be/IS  true for you too in ways besides money.  This next step is helped along by the practice of GRATITUDE, focusing on things that you are thankful for that are part of your life while other challenges come and go.  We are always surprised to find when we start that litany of Gratitude that indeed we have an ABUNDANCE of things to be appreciative of..

It’s a start!

From Christine, The Manifestress

red      There’s more to think about on my other blogs too!

Inspiration and beautiful photography:

Music and piano inspirations:

Food, recipes, cooking memoirs:




Down Time IS Creative Time

Down time

How do you know what you want to create if you don’t take time out to dream or imagine it first?

Any creative person worth their salt knows that without seemingly aimless “time out”, there IS no authentic originality in whatever their medium of expression is.  Original writing, painting, composing does not manifest sole-y (soul-y?) by will, though that is necessary later on to produce what came through during the drifting dream time.

Rushing about, meeting all of the world’s demands, forcing yourself to be “on task” without breaking away to be momentarily “irresponsible” from our culturally-assigned roles  is a sure way to block the creative flow or originality that wants to come through you, and you only!

I captured this image at a retreat center on an island in the Northeast. This fellow “on retreat”  even set up his two fishing poles to randomly “catch” whatever the vast universe of the sea would offer… releasing the need to work it or to be in control of it all, open to new ideas..which might come of their own accord to offer fresh inspiration. Total openness and trust..a willingness to cast a line, let it do its own fishing and see what turns up. I imagined that as he gazed out to the horizon in a sort of dream state, both mindless and mindful, that  there was silent communication going on between himself and the Universe that he would only realize was happening later on, on the way home in the car or even days later when a new and brilliant idea or prompting popped up in his mind when problem-solving or creating in whatever is his way.

Down time is fertile time and so necessary for all of us and especially for artists, poets, writers, crafters, storytellers, and even creative business people so that  the best of what we have to offer can be be reeled in from the vast sea of the Unconscious through our spirit and back out into the world.

Never apologize for the time spent in reverie or daydreaming. That may be the only way something new can manifest when the old forms and structures no longer work and no longer sustain life.

From Christine, The Greening Spirit

red    My other blogs are good too!

For Inspiration/Photography :

For recipes and cooking memoirs:

For music/piano:

The Power of POSITIVE !

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When we wake up each day,  we often have no idea what will be unfolding for us event-wise. Oh sure, we may have a schedule or “plans”, but we actually don’t know what will happen and how it will turn out as we enter what was written down in the day planner book. Life…and the people we interact with…have ways of surprising us with  unexpected reactions or turn of events.

Maybe we have something we are looking forward to, or something we are having to face that we’d rather not, or something remembered that gives us a warm glow, or the anticipatory sense of hours to unfold as we go along, open to whatever surprises occur in the story line of our life. But what we are encouraged to experience is how starting out CHOOSING to enter our day in a positive energetic state of mind and state of being will make all the difference is our EXPERIENCE of whatever unfolds for us.

A classic teaching tale:

A down and out angry junkie on the street was asked “How did this happen to you?” He answered “My father was a total alcoholic and loser. How else could I have turned out?”

His brother, a successful substance abuse therapist and community activist when asked the same question, answered “My father was a total alcoholic and loser. How else could I have turned out?”

We all have situations that have blessed us or challenged us. It is not the situations themselves that make or break us, but the way we perceive them, think and talk about them, work with them and decide how to move through them that is our EXPERIENCE of events, either taking us down totally or forcing us to survive, succeed,  manifest and share our gifted potential in time.  Setting an intention each day to start and stay in a positive, compassionate, generous frame of mind, thankful for the blessings that are already ours is the first practice to manifesting a life that is satisfying and has meaning personally.

This blog on the Law of Attraction is not primarily about how to manifest financial abundance and STUFF altho that can follow if the principles are applied to the material world. The intention of this blog is first to MANIFEST a happy, peaceful, meaningful, creative experience of your own life and time here. It’s not just about getting, but about how to experience more of POSITIVE abundance  and inspiration with much more to GIVE away.

That’s the REAL “Secret”!

From Christine, Manifestress


You are invited to visit my other blogs too!

For beautiful photography and inspirational essays:

For beautiful music and piano inspirations:

For soul food and foodie memoirs:

For info/ lunch and learn seminars/lectures:

Boomerang! Back Atcha: Word Hazards

Word Magic and the Law of Attraction


photo credit: unknown

Words are powerful tools, loaded with energy that sends vibrations out from the speaker into the world and into the hearts and minds of those with whom we interact. With our words, we cast a spell for good or for ill, making connections that inform or bless, uplifting ourselves and others, or that condemn and judge, bringing harm and hurt to both the speaker and the receiver.

It is important to remember that in the Law of Attraction what we focus on and consistently speak about INCREASES as the thoughts and words we  habitually harbor and use surround us like a net capturing more of the same. It is important to remember also that HOW we respond to situations and people in our lives sets the tone for what we ultimately experience as our personal reality in the end.

Life in many ways is a mirror, and what…

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What about the Law of Attraction?



“Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think, those thoughts are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is YOU!” ~ Rhonda Byrne, THE SECRET.

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A number of years ago, the wonderful book THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne came out into the world and caused quite a stir! It is an absolute literary treasure chest of collected wisdom on the power we humans have to create our experience of what we call “reality”.  It is, in essence, about the power of manifestation, which in truth, ancient sages, shamans, magicians,teachers, guides, gurus, mentors and Holy inspired ones, have been trying to communicate to us for hundreds…and yes, thousands of years.

In this age of consumerism, manifestation to many means more money, more of a bigger, better desired THING, more stuff. And yes, learning and implementing the practices of the Art of Allowing/Law of Attraction can bring those material desires into your life. But the key word is PRACTICE which is a commitment to focus and clarity, a willingness to take the time and courage to really observe your conditioned, habitual ways of thinking and speaking, and to do the WORK ( and it takes work, altho it is fun!) to evoke changes for the positive things and experiences you wish to bring into your life.

My own experience with study, creating and DOING Practices/Exercises has been exciting, especially as I have worked in several circles sharing these things, and watching people really become enthusiastic about experimenting, and then routinely getting together for on-going sharing of results..”manifestations'”  in our lives..tiny ones and big ones, but all of them celebrated and blessed with gratitude! Do we have stories to tell about how we focused, what we were wanting to bring in, and how synchronicities and events and opportunities lined up to surprise and delight us! The more we pay attention and take  note of the “magic”, the more it happens.

My own personal experience with Manifestation is that what comes to me comes with an air of mischief, playfulness and humour! I find myself laughing often during the “dialogue” between myself and the Universe, which seems to answer me with a surprise gift and an imagined answer  “You rang?” to my asking.

A secret to this whole process of working with your thoughts, your words and your feelings…(all key) is remembering this ancient wisdom:   “The Universe is a MIRROR. And the Universe always says YES!!”  Yes to what you put out, yes to the way you state the way things ARE,  the way you prophesy for yourself the way it’s going to BE, the way you believe what you can do and why, OR what you can’t do, and why.

The Universe is a Mirror. And the Universe always say YES.  (What do YOU see when you project a thought/or desire/or prediction on to that Mirror?)

Christine Phoenix Green 2014

**** This program has been presented as a workshop in groups, and as 90 minute lecture at the University level. EIGHT fun exciting practices for changing your mood, attitude, perspective and outcomes are taught for effecting change on your life experience and well-being. 

For other positive motivators, please visit my other blogs:

Art, Spirituality and Inspirational on the Greening Spirit:

